Artikel mit dem Tag "travel"

travel · 01. April 2019
Der Bericht der vogelkundlichen Reise auf die Kanarischen Inseln für BirdLife Österreich ist online.
featured photos · 17. Februar 2019
A recent trip to the northern Adriatic Sea coast produced a lot of flight shots of the wintering gulls. I put together overviews of the "winter plumages" of the three most common species.

travel · 15. Januar 2019
Target of my last trip to Guatemala was the endemic and very range-restricted Goldman's warbler (Setophaga coronata goldmani) in the Sierra de los Cuchumatanes highlands. This form is usually considered a subspecies of Yellow-rumped Warbler / Kronenwaldsänger but sometimes referred to as a distinct species.
travel · 22. November 2018
Pink-headed warbler in the Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, Guatemala.

travel · 23. Oktober 2018
Bericht der Vogelreise nach Madeira mit BirdLife Österreich im August 2018. Report of a birding trip to Madeira with BirdLife Austria in August 2018.
travel · 21. September 2018
Rosenseeschwalben / Roseate Terns at Funchal, Madeira. Photos of adult, juvenile, first-winter birds.

travel · 23. Juli 2018
Monk parakeet in Barcelona, Spain.
travel · 18. März 2018
Parrot crossbill collecting nesting material at Zeist (Heidestein), the Netherlands in March 2018.

travel · 06. Februar 2018
Polarmöwe / Iceland Gull (Larus glaucoides) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
travel · 03. Februar 2018
Twitching Ross's Gull in Vlissingen, the Netherlands.

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